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Jumat, 22 November 2013


Alat yang di butuhkan :
11.    Kabel LAN
2. HUB
33. PC/Laptop
Syarat Agar Terkoneksi Internet : 
1. Hub tidak rusak(Dalam keadaan baik
2. Kabel Lan Tidak ada yg salah dalam pewarnaan/tidak rusak
3. Laptop/pc server hanya jaringan Lan aja yang dinyalakan
4. Laptop/pc Client jaringan Wifi dan jarngan LAN nya harus ON
                                                 TOPOLOGI LAN         

Untuk mengkoneksikan internet dan sharing data
Klik “Connect” untuk mengkoneksikan internet dengan menggunakan Wifi “tekaje”

1.    Masuk ke Control panel
2.    Klik Network and Internet Connections --> Network Connections
3.    Klik kanan koneksi yang Anda gunakan untuk melakukan koneksi ke internet, Klik properties
4.    Selanjutnya pilih tools sharing

5.     Kemudian Beri tanda ceklis pada”Allow other network users” .kemudian pilih “ETHERNET” pada Home networking connection lalu “OK”


Senin, 08 Juli 2013

Troubleshooting pada computer

Troubleshooting adalah adanya suatu masalah atau adanya ketidak normalan pada komputer kita. Masalah komputer atau troubleshooting dibagi menjadi 2 troubleshooting hardware dan troubleshooting software.
Troubleshooting hardware biasanya ditandai dengan komputer tidak dapat menyala, monitor mati dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan troubleshooting software ditandai dengan lambatnya kinerja komputer dan lain-lain. Meski tidak menutup kemungnkinan juga gejala-gejala lambatnya komputer terjadi tidak hanya pada software tetapi juga troubleshooting hardware.
Cara mengatasi troubleshooting standard pada komputer bisa dikatakan pertolongan pertama pada komputer yang terjadi masalah analisa troubleshooting tersebut dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya bisa simak solusi troubleshooting hardware pada pc komputer.
1.               Komputer Menyala Tapi Tidak Ada Tampilan Di Layar :
Hal ini sering saya temui ternyata permasalahanya hanya sepele, memory / ram kendor atau kotor kaki-kakinya ( yang kuningan ) atau memory mati. Solusi : a.Lepas lalu pasang kembali b. Bersihkan kaki-kakinya dengan penghapus pensil hingga bersih c. Coba ganti dengan yang baru.
2.               Komputer berbunyi TIT 3x pendek/cepat :
Namun power hidup tapi tdk ada tampilan itu kerusakan pada VGA cardnya, bisa jadi kendor atau kotor kaki-kakinya atau mati.Solusi a. Lepas dan tancapkan kembali, b. Bersihkan kaki-kakinya yang berwarna kekuningan dengan penghapus pensil, c.Ganti dengan yang baru.
3.           Komputer berbunyi TIT...TIT...TIT...TIT...terus dan teratur tidak berhenti sebelum kita matikan :
Kerusakan pada memory card / ram. Solusi : lakukan hal-hal sama dengan point 1.Jika tidak berhasil mainboard anda yang rusak.
Kerusakan pada hardisk anda atau system yang ada dihardisk hilang. Solusi : Pastikan hardisk dikenal didalam sistem BIOS komputer caranya dengan memperhatikan tampilan awal apakah ada IDE / hardisk yang muncul atau tekan del pada saat awal menyala lalu lihat di standard setting apakah hardisk anda muncul tidak disitu. Jika muncul berarti hardisk bagus hanya systemnya/partisinya yang hilang> lakukan instalasi system lagi, jika tidak muncul hardisk anda yang rusak> Ganti dengan yang baru. Atau coba tepuk secara perlahan badan hardisk lalu nyalakan lagi, jika berhasil segera backup data anda.Kenapa di tepuk pelan? sekedar memberi goncangan sedikit di motor hardisk yang macet agar bergerak lagi.
5.               Komputer tiba - tiba tidak bisa membaca Flashdisk :
Masalah kebanyakan pada powersupply komputer yang sudah lemah, karena flashdisk menggunakan listrik tegangan rendah, jika powernya kurang berdampak pada pembacaan data yang ada di flashdisk. Solusi : Ganti PowerSupply atau coba colokan pada USB bagian belakang, karena langsung menempel di mainboard siapa tau powernya lebih bagus.
6.               CD / DVD rom sulit terbuka/terkunci :
Masalahnya karena CDrom jarang digunakan dan sudah tua sehingga karet penggerak dari motor ke roda gigi mengendor sehingga pada saat motor bergerak membuka pintu cd terjadi slip sehingga pintu tidak bisa terbuka.Solusi : ambil sebuah paperclip luruskan lalu tusuk pada bagian pintu cdrom yang ada lubang kecilnya, dorong hingga pintu berhasil terbuka.Saran : Sebaiknya jangan biarkan CDrom selalu kosong,paling tidak masukan cd blank agar motor cd rom tdk macet.
7.               Monitor berubah - ubah warna :
Kerusakan pada RGB monitor anda, kemungkinan besar ada patrian/solderan yang terlepas/retak atau kabel data monitor tidak terkunci dengan baik ke VGA. Solusi : Reparasi Monitor atau kencangkan kabel data ke vga.
8.               Flopy Disk menyala-nyala terus :
Ada virus lokal di komputer anda, bersihkan dengan antivirus lokal saja pasti hilang.
9.               Komputer Tidak Mau Hidup
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Cek koneksi kabel (dari power outletnya ke tombol power pada PC)
- Cek apakah stabilizer berfungsi atau tdak (jika memakai stabilizer)
- Cek kabel power pada CPU
- Jika masih juga tidak mau hidup permasalahanya mungkin terletak pada power supply atau MB
10.           Komputer Mau Hidup Tetapi Tidak Mau Booting
Cara Mengatasinya :
Kenali Terlebih dahulu Bunyi Beep :
Beep 1 kali saja Tanda bahwa kondisi komputer baik
Beep 1 kali, panjang Terdapat problem di memory
Beep 1 kali panjang dan 3 kali pendek Kerusakan di VGA card
Beep 1 kali panjang dan 2 kali pendek Kerusakan di DRAM parity
Beep terus menerus Kerusakan dimodul memory atau memory video
- Cek dengan menggunakan software dianosa seperti sisoft sandra, PC mark04, PC mark05 dll
11.           Komputer Mau Booting Tetapi Selalu “Safe Mode “ (untuk masuk ke safe mode tekan F8)
Cara Mengatasinya :
- restart kembali komputer anda
- jika masih trouble intall ulang windows anda
- jika masih safe mode juga, berarti HD anda bermasalah
cek dengan : scan disk
12.            Komputer Sering Hang
Cara Mengatasinya
- Disebabkan software mengalami crash
- tekan ctrl + alt + del >> klik End task pada program yang “Not Responding”
- tekan tombol restart pada CPU
- Disebabkan hardware mengalami konflik (adanya penambahan hardware baru)
- konflik antar hardware sering terjadi pada sistem operasi windows
- install ulang windows anda, tetapi yang perlu diingat sebelum reinstall windows anda, lepaskan dulu hardware baru anda
- alankan fasilitas “add new“ hardware yang terdapat pada control panel.
13.           Keyboard Tidak Dikenali Oleh Komputer
Cara Mengatasinya
- cek apakah keyboard anda sudah terpasang dengan benar
- jika sudah tapi masih juga keyboard tidak terdeteksi maka kemungkinan keyboard anda bermasalah.
- coba ganti keyboard anda, jika sudah diganti tapi juga masih bermasalah maka kemungkinan besar yang rusak adalah di bagian port keyboard di MB anda.
- Jika memang Sudah di Ganti Keyboard Baru tapi tetap tidak terdeteksi Juga Coba Ganti dengan Keyboard USB dan apabila tidak terdeteksi Juga berarti ada yang salah Pada sitem Windows Sobat
14.           Mouse Tidak Dikenali Oleh Komputer (sama denagn kasus keyboard)
 Pointer Mouse Selalu Meloncat-Loncat

Cara Mengatasinya
- mouse kotor segera di Bersihkan (khususnya pada bola mouse)
15.           Komputer Sering Crash
Cara Mengatasinya :
- cek semua posisi kabel, hardware, dan juga tegangan pada casing, cek suhu pada CPU dan jua cek ram, processor dan juga vga.
16.           Bila Produsen MetherBoard(MB) Tidak Diketahui
Cara Mengatasinya :
- buka casing, dan cek CPU anda biasanya sebuah MB memiliki label produsen yang sekaligus berisi spesifikasi tipe Mbnya.
- Lihat pada manual book
- Cari data Mb lewat internet, cocokan ID yang tercetak pada sticker board denan daftar yang terdapat pada situs, dan cari daftar nomor ID yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga perijinan untuk perangkat elektonik di Amerika
- Gunakan software analisa, seperti sandra99 dll
17.           Lupa Password BIOS
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Cabut batterey cmos pada cpu
- Atau dengan cara emncoba menebak bberapa password default untuk beberapa produsen bios misalkan AMI dan AWARD (contoh : A.M.I, AMI, AMI_SW, ALLY, 589589 dll)
18.            Jam dan setting tanggal BIOS Selalu Berubah-Rubah
Cara Mengatasinya :
- batteray cmos sudah tidak berfungsi (mati), ganti dengan batteray yang baru
19.           Menambah Perangkat Hardware Baru, Tp Tidak Terdeteksi Oleh BIOS
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Kemungkinan besar bios anda sudah kuno sehingga tidak dapat mendeteksi hardware yang baru, maka segera update bios anda (bisa download melalui internet, mis :)
20.           Melacak Kerusakan Card Pada MB
Cara Mengatasinya :
- cobalah denganmencabut dan menancapkan beberapa card pada MB anda
- jika booting berhasil maka card anda tidak bermasalah begitu jua sebaliknya
21.           Pasang Processor Baru Tp Tidak Terdeteksi
Cara Mengatasinya :
- cek apakah anda sudah memasang processor denan benar
- cek apakah posisi jumper pada processor sudah benar (tentang jumper pada processor bisa anda priksa pada manual booknya)
22.           Crash Setelah Memasang RAM Baru
Cara Mengatasinya :
- kemungkinan ram yang anda pasang tidak kompatibel dengan komputer anda (cabut ram tersebut)
23.           Menambah RAM Tapi Tidak Terdeteksi
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Lakukan pengecekan seperti ketika kasus sebelumnya
- Pastikan slot yan dipakai sesuai, misalnya : SD RAM memiliki slot yang hampir sama dengan RD RAM tetapi RD RAM, tidak bisa terdeteksi meskipun bisa dipasang pada slot jenis SD RAM.
24.           Setelah Menambah RAM Proses Komputer Manjadi Semakin Lambat
Cara Mengatasinya :
- perhatikan batas kapasitas ram anda, misalnya ram jenis EDO batas maksimalnya adalah 64 MB, maka ketika dipaksakan untuk ditambah maka komputer anda menjadi semakin lambat
25.           Virtual Ram
Cara Mengatasinya :
- klik kanan icon My computer, pilih propertis, kemudian pilih tab performance dan klik VIRTUAL MEMORY
- pilih item let me specify my own virtual memory setting (pilih HD yang akan digunakan sebagai virtual memory)
- klok OK
26.           Monitor Tidak Mau Nyala
Cara Mengatasinya :
- pastikan semua kabel power maupun konektor yang berhubungan dengan monitor ok
- pastikan juga pin yang ada pada port VGA masuk dengan sempuran tidak ada yang bengkok apalagi tidak masuk semua/salah satu pin ke port VGA
- pastikan juga VGA card anda ok
27.           Monitor Menjadi Gelap Saat Loading Windows
Cara Mengatasinya :
- kemungkinan disebabkan karena setup driver untuk monitor tidak tepat(setting frekuensinya terlalu tinggi)
- masuk dulu ke dalam kondisi safe mode (tekan F8)
- install ulang driver VGAnya
28.           Tampilan Tiba-Tiba Rusak Dan Komputer Manjadi Hang
Cara Mengatasinya :
- dikarenakan suhu (pada VA card) sangat panas
29.           Ukuran Tampilan monitor Tidak Sesuai Keinginan
Cara Mengatasinya :
- masuk ke display propertis (klik kana semabrang tempat pilih propertis)
- Tekan tab setting dan dan atur ukuran tampilan sesuai dengan keinginan (pada screean area)
30.           Monitor Seperti Berkedip Saat Digunakan
Cara Mengatasinya :
- masuk ke display propertis (klik kana semabrang tempat pilih propertis)
- Tekan tab setting dan klik advance, kemudian klik adapter, pada bagian ini ditampilkan refresh raet yang dininkan
31.           Sound Card Baru Tidak Terdeteksi
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Crash dengan sound card yang lama
- cek pada manual booknya, apakah soundcard on boardnya perlu dimatikan atau tidak jika hendak menginstall ulang soundcard yan baru (biasanya bisa dimatikan lewat jumper atau bios)

Linkin Park Meteora Full Album

Linkin Park Meteora Full Album

Linkin Park - Meteora

Label : Warner Bros Records
Genre : Alternative Rock
  1. Linkin Park - Meteora - Don’t Stay
  2. Linkin Park - Meteora - Somewhere I Belong
  3. Linkin Park - Meteora - Lying From You
  4. Linkin Park - Meteora - Hit the Floor
  5. Linkin Park - Meteora - Easier to Run
  6. Linkin Park - Meteora - Faint
  7. Linkin Park - Meteora - Figure.09
  8. Linkin Park - Meteora - Breaking the Habit
  9. Linkin Park - Meteora - From the Inside
  10. Linkin Park - Meteora - Nobody’s Listening
  11. Linkin Park - Meteora - Session
  12. Linkin Park - Meteora - Numb
Download full album lagu linkin park Meteora 2003 tersebut Download Disini

Linkin Park Hybrid Theory Full Album

Linkin Park Hybrid Theory Full Album

Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory

Label : Warner Bros Records
Genre : Alternative Rock
  1. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - Papercut
  2. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - One Step Closer
  3. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - With You
  4. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - Points Of Authority
  5. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - Crawling
  6. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - Runaway
  7. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - By Myself
  8. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - In The End
  9. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - A Place For My Head
  10. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - Forgotten
  11. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - Cure For The Itch
  12. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory - Pushing Me Away
Download full album lagu linkin park Hybrid Theory 2000 tersebut Download Disini


Download PES 2013 full version

Pro Evolution Soccer (PES 2013) Full Version

Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2013 Full VersionAkhirnya Game fenomenal Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2013 sudah rilis. Inilah yang ditunggu-tunggu para pecinta PES termasuk saya. PES 2013 ini mmeiliki beberapa perbedaan dari versi sebelumnya PES 2012. Setelah saya coba sendiri, kontrol pemain lebih nyata, speed lebih pelan, beberapa meutakhiran fitur dan masih banyak lagi. Penasaran? Silahkan mencoba


Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2013 Full Version
Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2013 Full Version
Minimum System Requirements
  • Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7. 
  • Intel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent processor. 
  • 1GB RAM. 
  • 8GB free hard disk space. 
  • 4x DVD-ROM Drive. 
  • DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 
  • 128MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 6200 / ATI Radeon X1300 / Intel HD Graphics 2000/3000). DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card. 
  • DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc). Multiplayer: TCP/IP 192 kbps or higher. 
  • Windows compatible keyboard. 
  • 800 x 600 monitor resolution. 
Recommended System Requirements
  • Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7. 
  • Intel Core2 Duo 2.0GHz or equivalent processor. 
  • 2GB RAM. 8GB free hard disk space. 8x DVD-ROM Drive. 
  • DirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 512MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 or AMD/ATI Radeon HD2400 or better). 
  • DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card. 
  • DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on Disc). 
  • Multiplayer: TCP/IP Broadband Internet connection. 
  • Windows compatible USB Gamepad. 1280 x 720 monitor resolution. 

Download via Directmirror 10 Part @500 MB:

Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight Full Album

Linkin Park Minutes to Midnight Full Album

Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight

Label : Warner Bros Records
Genre : Alternative Rock
  1. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - Wake
  2. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - Given Up
  3. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - Leave Out All The Rest
  4. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - Bleed It Out
  5. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - Shadow Of The Day
  6. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - What I've Done
  7. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - Hands Held High
  8. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - No More Sorrow
  9. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - Valentine's Day
  10. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - In Between
  11. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - In Pieces
  12. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight - The Little Things Give You Away
Download full album lagu linkin park Minutes to Midnight 2007 tersebut Download Disini

Cara Mudah Install Driver Secara Manual Pada Komputer/Notebook

Cara ini biasa dilakukan jika secara kebetulan driver yang anda miliki tidak disertai dengan file EXE (Executable) yang tinggal klik langsung jalan. File driver tersebut biasa berupa file INF dan file DLL yang berisi informasi dan database agar perangkat/device bisa dikenali oleh Windows.
Cara Mudah Install Driver Secara Manual Pada Komputer/Notebook Image
Share kali ini juga bisa digunakan untuk mengembalikan driver yang sudah di backup menggunakan software DriverMax. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan baca artikel Cara Mudah Backup Driver Windows Menggunakan DriverMax. Lebih jelasnya ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini:
  • Buka Properties Komputer. Kalau di Windows XPklik kanan My Computer dan pilih Properties. Kalau di Windows 7, klil tombol Start, Pilih Computer, klik kanan dan pilih Properties.
  • Selanjutnya, klik tombol Device Manager.
  • Klik kanan salah satu device yang drivernya belum teinstall dengan sempurna dan lanjutkan dengan memilih Update Driver.
    Cara Mudah Install Driver Secara Manual Pada Komputer/Notebook Image
  • Pada bagian Welcome to the Hardware Update Wizard, pilih Yes this time only dan lanjutkan dengan klik tombol Next.
  • Selanjutnya, pilih Install from list or specific location (Advanced) yang diikuti dengan klik tombol Next.
  • Pada bagian Please choose your search and installation options, klik tombol Browse dan pilih di mana lokasi di mana anda menyimpan file driver.
    Cara Mudah Install Driver Secara Manual Pada Komputer/Notebook Image
  • Setelah lokasi file driver sudah ketemu, lanjukan dengan klik tombol OK yang diikuti dengan tombol Next. Pastikan anda sudah memilih folder yang tepat sebelum melanjutkan prosesinstall driver.
  • Tunggu sampai proses selesai dan terakhir klik tombol Finish.
    Cara Mudah Install Driver Secara Manual Pada Komputer/Notebook Image
  • Jika komputer/notebook anda meminta restart, ikuti saja prosesnya agar keseluruhan proses update bsia berjalan dengan maksimal.
Sekarang, dengan pedoman ini anda tidak akan kebingungan lagi jika harus menginstall driver secara manual.
Selain itu, seperti pada keterangan sebelumnya, cara ini juga bisa digunakan untuk menginstall driver dari file backup driver yang dihasilakn oleh DriverMax. Yang perlu diperhatikan, arahkan folder driver pada lokasi di mana anda menyimpan file driver. Jika anda salah memilih, anda bisa mengulanginya lagi sampai driver bisa terinstall dengan baik.
Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil.!!!

Free Download Point Blank Offline Version

Point Blank is an air-genre of computer games that are played online FPS. The game was developed by Zepetto from South Korea and published by NCSoft. In addition to South Korea, this game has its own server in Thailand, Russia, Indonesia, Brazil, Turkey, the United States, and Peru. Point Blank is about the feud between the Free Rebels and the government in this regard is the Counter Terrorist Force (CT-Force).


Establishment of Free Rebels

Increasing numbers of immigrants who do not get a job and expelled from society, so as to survive the immigrants and then perform a variety of crimes from robbery to drug trafficking. Criminal action is developed into an organized movement to form an organization called Free Rebels. The goal is not to control the entire drug trafficking and weapons across the world and create fear for the community.

The formation of CT-Force

Due to conflicts with immigrants is increasingly widespread, the government decided to set up a special organization to deal with the teroris.Sejak establishment of this organization, they began looking for information and the existence of a terrorist organization called Free Rebels. In line with the increased terrorist threat, the government then sends the help of troops the best ever in the government who then came and joined and renamed the CT-Force (Counter Terrorist Force)


Point Blank has many unique features that distinguish the different kind of online games like Counter Strike, WarRock, and Cross Fire.

Fashion Games

Point Blank has 7 game modes, namely:

* Death Match
o Kill the enemy players to your team's score reaches a specified value or try to become the team with the highest score when time runs out the game.

* Bomb Mission
o Free Rebels team goal is to blow up an area called bombsite with C4, while the CT-Force team goal is to prevent teams bombsite Free Rebels blow up.

* Destroy Mission
o Destroy the objects that have been targeted in this fashion.

* Eliminate
o Killing all the enemies there is to win the round

* AI Mode
o In this mode, players are required to fight an enemy controlled by the computer (AI). AI mode consists of Level 1 to Level 10, where the higher level, the higher the difficulty level of enemy AI.

* Shotgun Mode
o Only a shotgun type weapon that can be used in this mode.

* Sniper Mode
o Only the sniper rifle type weapon that can be used in this mode.

* Defense Mission
o Maintain a targeted object or menghancurkanya.


Point Blank has a total of 8 characters are divided into four characters for each team. Each character has the appearance and background are different.


* Acid Pool (Paul)

Graduated as the best police of the University of Elite Police and has a cool demeanor. However, because of the cute style of speech then he is given the nickname "Acid Pool" by his friends after graduating he then signed up to be a cop. Because it has a high ability and always have a good tactic, he was then assigned to join CT-Force. To prove his loyalty and kepercayaanya to the government, he was ready to fight the increasingly rampant Rebels Free.

* Keen Eyes (Ayse)

Is a crossbreed between natives and migrants. He has a high ability and is one of the leaders of the police. For this reason the CT-Force intends to ask her to join. Because it is a mixed ancestry and has a keen eye then his friends called him "Keen Eyes". It is the only breed in the police.

* Leopard

At age 17 he migrated to the United States along with his entire family. Because he is of Asian descent were harassed by classmates. After graduating from college in 22 years she immediately signed up to become a member of the United States Army. At age 24 he was a member of the Special Forces Green Berets. He then acquired the rank of sergeant at the age of 33 years. Afterwards, he returned to his birthplace to enjoy life. Not long after came the news that the central government wants to recruit all the soldiers that are reliable to form a team to fight the terrorists is increasingly rampant. The team is called CT-Force. Green Berets get the command to find someone who has a high ability to join CT-Force against terrorists. At the time of joining the CT-Force, he got the call "Leopard".

* Hide

He was born in England, both her parents were former soldiers in Tokyo. At age 19 he enrolled to become a soldier in the British Army. The age of 22 years he became the most famous soldier in the British Army because it has a high capability, especially in tactical support. At the age of 26 he got a hard battle, causing injury to the face. Because of the ability and experience, CT-Force are interested in recruiting him. Because it comes from a foreign country he was given the nickname "Hide". However, because of its reclusive he can not get along with others in the CT-Force With a short haircut and black, and scars on his face, making him look very cool.

Free Rebels

* Red Bulls

Because only an immigrant in a small village he lived with his immigrant tuanya.dan other. He is also a great ball player. Shortly after receiving the MVP title in soccer championship, he heard that his parents were killed while defending their villages from the government that wants to destroy the village. He soon returned to his village, but he only found a village that has been destroyed. His heart filled with anger and hatred to the government. Then he joined the Free Rebels to avenge the death of his parents. Physique of a footballer and has a keen eye like a bull to make friends at Free Rebels call him "Red Bulls"

* Tarantula

He was born in immigrant families. Lost both parents during childhood accident, was later adopted by other families. Day after day passed in his new family. But the racist nature of his adoptive father's increasingly large and treated him roughly. One day he found a revolver in the closet, then he took the revolver and fired into his adoptive father's chest. As a result of this incident he was put in jail. In prison he often was called "Tarantula". After several years he was free from penjara.Kemudian he heard the news that immigrants always have discrimination, it made him very angry. Then he decided to join the Free Rebels.

* D-Fox

Both parents are from the Middle East and Asia. Although he has a physical mixture of good. At age 20 he had become lieutenant and has done a lot of special missions. At the age of 25 years he has been a team leader. He was famous for never leaving a trace in every battle. At the age of 26 he had become an Army Rangers. Not long after that he got a secret assignment from the government. But because there is error information from the government, all members of his team killed. Government delegate all the blame to himself for what happened. Does not accept government's treatment, he later rebelled and joined the Free Rebels. To remember and honor friends who have been killed on the battlefield he later renamed itself the Desert Fox, which was shortened to "D-Fox." On one mission he did not have time to escape before the bomb exploded mounted, so that her hand hurt. Therefore he always use gloves.

* Viper Red

* List the content

He followed his stepfather, who came from France to become a bodyguard. Fighting ability and his endurance has been forged with both the small time. He was adopted by someone from another country 25 years ago, because his mother will be running a secret mission. Now he's trying to find and see his mother again. He then gets word that his mother was a Free Rebels and had been killed by the government at the time of the battle to protect immigrants from Latin America. Hearing that he then decided to join the Free Rebels to help immigrants who are oppressed and avenge his mother. Unlike the other women. He possessed great speed and great strength. He is also expert in developing tactics and slippery as a snake is always moving at the time on the battlefield. He did not like the sun and always use sunglasses.


One interesting feature of Point Blank is the Title. Title is the title of a weapon specialization which gives advantages when used to suit the type of weapons used. Title has different effects, ranging from increasing the speed of firing but increase the effects of weapon recoil, improve accuracy but reduces movement speed, and others. Similar title (eg title and Senior Private Assaulter Assaulter) can not be used simultaneously.

Map / Arena

There are various types of areas are continuously added. But some of the folders can be used only for certain game modes. Some of the folder location used in this game: Library, Crack down, Station, etc.. Library, high-rise buildings, stations Crete, etc. can be used as an arena fight.

Value Education

* Train the strategy for the war, so finding the right position or formation in a war.
* Train cooperation anta team members, so it can coordinate well.
* Train dexterity.
* Train the eye and visual accuracy.

Reality and Value Features

Reality Facts

1. The weapons are the same as that used in the real world. Same form and function. Suppose the shotgun has a range that is not how far, reducing the speed to run because of the weight, and time to refill the old cartridges, but have a big damage when hit. The number of bullets and the number of magazines also differs in each type of shot.

2. Special weapons that have a scope then it will be able to change the mode so it can shoot much more accurately.

Reality Physics

1. Gravitational effects that are causing reduced running speed saaat holding a heavy weapon. The more weight, the slower the course anyway.

2. Bullets also fell out while shooting.

3. Parabolic motion of the grenades and the reflection from a grenade tossed sebelmu be estimated.

Realities of Cause and Effect

1. The body that was hit will bleed and eventually will die.
2. A shot glass will break.
3. Tnt and the car will explode if exposed to fire.
4. Bomb planted or thrown, for a long time to explode.
5. Bullet fired continuously be discharged if its capacity exceeds usage.
6. Shoot will also experience the effects of recoil, the shock effect when shooting.

Random Reality

1. Effects of weapon recoil will random. Move right, left, up or down.

Visual Reality

1. Figure gun looked detail.
2. The movement of characters, such as running, settles the couch and while changing weapons, motion as he fell dead, when shot (seen there are ill effects and bleeding).
3. Their effects on the environment, such as glass shards that scattered when the rupture was shot, who shot the wall visible mark (different effects arise when different types of weapons used or the type), or tnt car will explode when shot.
4. Recoil effect on the vibrating arms.

Reality Audio

1. Gunshots are different every type or types of weapons.
2. Sound grenade blast or explosion tnt.
3. Environmentally sound, the sound of cars, helicopters, etc..
4. The sound of shattering glass.
5. The human voice, sound of marching feet sounded like the original, as well as bullets when exposed to sound player in pain.


This game has much more audio-visual effects and animation are better than FPS games in general, so that when the play feels more lost interest. And most importantly to be able to win this game is teamwork. Where as back-ups can do well then victory will be easier in the can. Like most other multi-player games, this game is also much diperlombakan a team with a specific game mode. Flaws in this game that has a lot of cheat, thereby reducing the sportsmanship in the game.

Trailer Point Blank Offline Version :

System requirements:

-Windows 2000/XP;

-Pentium III / Athlon 800 MHz;

-128 MB of RAM;

-DirectX 9.0c-compatible video card with support for T & L 32 MB;

-DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card;

-DirectX 9.0c;

-1 GB of free hard disk space

keyboard, mouse.

Year: 2009

Genre: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person

Developer: NCSoft and Zepetto

Publisher: 4Game and Innova Systems

Platform: PC

Size: 400 MB

Publication Type: License

The medicine: not required

Language: Russian only (but there are some of the English language)

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